Cyber Security Fundamentals: What Advisers Should Know

October 29, 2019

Due to a very well-received Cyber Security panel conversation held at a recent Ultimus client event in Cincinnati, Secure Cyber Defense CEO Shawn Waldman and Melvin Van Cleave, Vice President of Ultimus’ Technology Infrastructure, agreed to share the following tips and other relevant information in honor of October’s National Cyber Security Awareness Month. The […]

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SEC Makes It Easier to Launch ETFs

October 15, 2019

NEW RULING ANNOUNCED FROM THE SEC: The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) voted unanimously on September 26 to modernize the regulatory framework for Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs).  The new ETF Rule will level the playing field for ETF providers so that, with few exceptions, they are operating under the same rules (i.e., instead of unique […]

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