Interval Fund Proration – Turning Product Features into Functionality

February 25, 2021

Interval Funds have enjoyed a meteoric rise in recent years, and despite a challenging year, assets now top $35b as of December 31, 2020, according to Interval Fund Tracker¹.  The COVID-19 pandemic fueled volatility in the wider marketplace and micro-disruptions in certain asset classes, most visibly in Real Estate, Real Assets and Credit securities. […]

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Thinking about Expanding Your Investment Product Reach?

February 10, 2021

You’ve likely heard the expression: “Innovate or die” (often attributed to Peter Drucker, an influential thinker on business management). The saying holds true for investment advisers, as well. To stay relevant, firms must think about the target audiences, new product structures, new distribution methods and channels and how you can solve for the end […]

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