Excellence in Service

Gemini Alt’s core team brings in-depth managed account experience as well as access to a vast pool of employees who support us through our shared services model. With 650+ employees working in these functional groups in NorthStar’s offices throughout the United States, Gemini Alt’s team can provide you with a combination of highly-experienced and dedicated employees that consistently deliver superior service throughout your relationship with Gemini Alt.

Gemini Difference

  • Client focused
  • Independent
  • Depth of experience
  • Depth of service
  • Depth of relationship
  • Complete technology solution
  • Unmatched value proposition


  • Independent
  • Best of breed technology
  • Continuity of service teams
  • Distribution opportunities


  • Client focused
  • Service to the highest standards


  • Ability to leverage related companies
  • Backed by 30 years of superior service amongst our sister firms
  • Well documented work flows