Understanding The True Cost of Mutual Fund Distribution – Part Three

April 12, 2017

This is part three in a series on The True Cost of Mutual Fund Distribution. Part one focused on product placement, click here to read it first. Part two focused on active sales and marketing, click here to read part two. Part three focuses on tracking capabilities.

Tracking Capabilities

An investment manager will need to evaluate needs and determine what types of technology should be utilized. Although these costs are optional, it is important to evaluate each one and determine if any are necessary for the business.
Types of Technology Costs

  • CRM Tools
  • Sales Reporting
  • Omni/SERV

Customer Relationship Management Tools (“CRM”) – Customer relationship management tools help organize and document sales calls, email campaigns, and meetings. Most commonly utilized CRMs are Salesforce, Redtail, SalesPage, and ACT.

Sales Reporting – Aggregation tools provide consolidated data from custodians, broker-dealers, and other intermediaries. This type of service provides more detailed sales reporting to assist in managing territories, tracking sales traction, and determining market share. Providers may include Celera, AccessData, MARS Salesfocus Solutions, and SalesConnect.

OMNI/Serv – As more intermediaries are moving to Omnibus trading, Omni/SERV is an optional service to see account and rep level transparency for Omnibus trading. Although this is optional, it is important to have rep level data on trades.

Questions Advisors Should Consider

  • How can you use a CRM tool to your advantage?
  • How are you currently tracking sales data? Would using a CRM tool help your sales tracking?
  • Do you have Omnibus business? If so, does Omni/SERV make sense for your business?



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